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cluster and network tags reference

This page is a quick reference to all the tags used for Resin clustering and load-balancing including <cluster>, <server>, <host>, <resin:LoadBalance>, <persistence-store> and <use-persistence-store>.


child of <server>

The server <address> defines the IP interface for Resin cluster communication and load balancing. It will be an internal IP address like 192.168.* for a clustered configuration or 127.* for a single-server configuration. No wild cards are allowed because the other cluster servers and load balancer use the address to connect to the server.

server address
<resin xmlns="">
  <cluster id="web-tier">
      <http port="80"/>

    <server id="web-a" address="" port="6800"/>
    <server id="web-b" address="" port="6800"/>


  <cluster id="app-tier">
    <server id="app-a" address="" port="6800"/>
    <server id="app-b" address="" port="6800"/>



child of <resin>

<cluster> configures a set of identically-configured servers. The cluster typically configures a set of <server>s, each with some ports, and a set of virtual <host>s.

Only one <cluster> is active in any on server. At runtime, the <cluster> is selected by the <server> with id matching the -server on the command line.

<cluster> Attributes
idThe cluster identifier.required
access-logAn access-log shared for all virtual hosts.
cacheProxy cache for HTTP-cacheable results.
connection-error-pageIIS error page to use when isapi_srun to Resin connection fails
ear-defaultdefault values for deployed ear files
error-pageCustom error-page when virtual-hosts fail to match
hostConfigures a virtual host
host-defaultConfigures defaults to apply to all virtual hosts
host-deployAutomatic host deployment based on a deployment directory
ignore-client-disconnectIgnores socket exceptions thrown because browser clients have prematurely disconnectedfalse
invocation-cache-sizeSize of the system-wide URL to servlet invocation mapping cache16384
invocation-cache-max-url-lengthMaximum URL length saved in the invocation cache256
max-uri-lengthMaximum URI length allowed in request1024
machineConfiguration for grouping <server> onto physical machines
pingPeriodic checking of server URLs to verify server activity
redeploy-mode"automatic" or "manual"automatic
resin:chooseConditional configuration based on EL expressions
resin:importImports a custom cluster.xml files for a configuration management
resin:ifConditional configuration based on EL expressions
rewrite-dispatchrewrites and dispatches URLs using regular expressions, similar to mod_rewrite
root-directoryThe root filesystem directory for the cluster${resin.root}
serverConfigures JVM instances (servers). Each cluster needs at least one server
server-defaultConfigures defaults for all server instances
server-headerConfigures the HTTP "Server: Resin/xxx" headerResin/Version
session-cookieConfigures the servlet cookie nameJSESSIONID
url-character-encodingConfigures the character encoding for URLsutf-8
url-length-maxConfigures the maximum length of an allowed URL8192
web-app-defaultConfigures defaults to apply to all web-apps in the cluster
<cluster> schema
element cluster {
  attribute id { string }
  & environment resources
  & access-log?
  & cache?
  & connection-error-page?
  & ear-default*
  & error-page*
  & host*
  & host-default*
  & host-deploy*
  & ignore-client-disconnect?
  & invocation-cache-size?
  & invocation-cache-max-url-length?
  & machine*
  & ping*
  & redeploy-mode?
  & resin:choose*
  & resin:import*
  & resin:if*
  & rewrite-dispatch?
  & root-directory?
  & server*
  & server-default*
  & server-header?
  & session-cookie?
  & url-character-encoding?
  & url-length-max?
  & web-app-default*
Example: cluster-default
<resin xmlns="">
    <cluster id="web-tier">
            <http port="8080"/>

        <server id="a" address=""/>
        <server id="b" address=""/>

        <host host-name="">


child of <resin>

<cluster-default> defines default cluster configuration for all clusters in the <resin> server.

Example: cluster-default
<resin xmlns="">
        <cache entries="16384" memory-size="64M"/>

    <cluster id="web-tier">

    <cluster id="app-tier">


child of <cluster>

<host> configures a virtual host. Virtual hosts must be configured explicitly.

It is recommended that any <host> using a regexp include a <host-name> to set the canonical name for the host.

<host> Attributes
idprimary host namenone
regexpRegular expression based host matchingnone
host-nameCanonical host namenone
host-aliasAliases matching the same hostnone
secure-host-nameHost to use for a redirect to SSLnone
root-directoryRoot directory for host filesparent directory
startup-mode'automatic', 'lazy', or 'manual', see <startup-mode>automatic
Example: explicit host
<host host-name="">


  <web-app id="/" root-directory="webapps/ROOT">
Example: regexp host
<host regexp="([^.]+)\.foo\.com">




child of <cluster>

Defaults for a virtual host.

The host-default can contain any of the host configuration tags. It will be used as defaults for any virtual host.


child of <server>

<http> configures a HTTP or HTTPS port listening for HTTP requests.

When configuring multiple JVMs, each <http> will have a unique <server-id> which allows the -server command-line to select which ports the server should listen to.

The virtual-host attribute overrides the browser's Host directive, specifying the explicit host and port for request.getServerName() and getServerPort(). It is not used in most virtual host configurations. Only IP-based virtual hosts which wish to ignore the browser's Host will use @virtual-host.
<http> Attributes
address/hostIP address of the interface to listen to*
portport to listen torequired
accept-listen-backlogconfigures operating system TCP listen queue size for the port4000
accept-thread-idle-timeoutconfigures minimum spare accept-thread idle timeout120s
accept-thread-minconfigures the minimum number of threads listening for new connections 1
accept-thread-maxconfigures the maximum number of threads listening for new connectionsunbound
keepalive-connection-time-maxconfigures an absolute max time for keepalive connections600s
keepalive-maxconfigures the maximum number of sockets which can be used directly for keepalive connections
keepalive-select-enableenables the select manager for keepalivestrue
keepalive-select-thread-timeoutconfigures a short timeout allowing the select manager to wait for a keepalive before detaching the thread1s
keepalive-timeoutconfigures how long a keepalive connection should wait for a new request before closing120s
suspend-reaper-timeoutconfigures check interval for suspended (async)connections60s
suspend-time-maxconfigures timeout for suspended (async) connections600s
socket-timeoutconfigures timeout for accepted socket's write and read operations120s
throttle-concurrent-maxconfigures maximum concurrent requests (Resin Pro)unlimited
tcp-no-delaysets the NO_DELAY socket parametertrue
socket-listen-backlogThe socket factory's listen backlog for receiving sockets100
virtual-hostforces all requests to this <http> to use the named virtual hostnone
opensslconfigures the port to use OpenSSLnone
jsse-sslconfigures the port to use JSSE for SSLnone
<http> schema
element http {
  (id | server-id)
  & (address | host )?
  & port?
  & accept-listen-backlog?
  & accept-thread-idle-timeout?
  & accept-thread-min?
  & accept-thread-max?
  & connection-max?
  & keepalive-connection-time-max?
  & keepalive-max?
  & keepalive-select-enable?
  & keepalive-select-thread-timeout?
  & keepalive-timeout?
  & secure?
  & socket-timeout?
  & suspend-reaper-timeout?
  & suspend-time-max?
  & tcp-no-delay?
  & throttle-concurrent-max?
  & virtual-host?
  & (openssl | jsse-ssl)?


child of <server>
default 100

<keepalive-max> configures the maximum number of sockets which can be used directly for keepalive connections. In Resin Professional, the select manager allows for a much larger number of keepalive sockets, since it can detach threads from connections. Without the select manager, each connection is associated with a thread.

A value of -1 disables keepalives.

Keepalives are an important TCP technique used with HTTP and Resin's load-balancing to avoid the heavy network cost of creating a new socket. Since an initial HTTP request is usually immediately followed by extra requests to load files like images and stylesheets, it's generally more efficient to keep the socket open for a short time instead of creating a new one. The socket keepalive is even more important for Resin's load balancing, to avoid creating extra sockets between the web-tier and the app-tier and to make distributed sessions more efficient.

Higher values of <keepalive-max> improve network efficiency but increase the number of threads waiting for new client data.

keepalive-thread-max in resin.xml
<resin xmlns="">
  <cluster id="web-tier">
      <http port="80"/>



    <server id="web-a" address=""/>


child of <server>
default true

<keepalive-select-enable> enables the select manager for keepalives. The select manager is a Resin Professional feature allowing more keepalives by detaching threads from sockets.

Normally, this should be left enabled.


child of <server>
default 15s

<keepalive-timeout> configures how long a keepalive connection should wait for a new request before closing.

Keepalives are used both for HTTP connections and for load-balancing and clustering connections. HTTP connections generally have a single HTML page, followed by a number of image requests. By using keepalives, all the requests can use a single socket. The <keepalive-timeout> should be long enough to catch all the HTTP burst requests, but can close after the burst is complete. A value of 5s or 15s is generally sufficient.

The load-balancing and clustering keepalives have a different timeout behavior. Since load-balancing sockets are reused for multiple clients, they can have longer timeouts.

keepalive-thread-max in resin.xml
<resin xmlns="">
  <cluster id="web-tier">
      <http port="80"/>



    <server id="web-a" address=""/>


<resin:LoadBalance> requires Resin Professional

Load balance to a cluster of backend Resin servers.

<resin:LoadBalance> Attributes
regexpThe regular expression of the URL to match.None (match all)
clusterThe id of the cluster to which to load balance.required
session-cookiechange the session cookie to examine for sticky sessionsJSESSIONID
sticky-sessionssessions are sticky to the original backend app servertrue
strategyround-robin or adaptive based on loadadaptive
Load Balancing to a backend cluster
<resin xmlns=""
  <cluster id='app-tier'>
    <server id='a' port='6810'/>
    <server id='b' port='6820'/>


  <cluster id='web-tier'>
    <server id='http' port='80'/>

    <host id=''>
      <resin:LoadBalance cluster="app-tier"/>


child of <server>
default 100

load-balance-weight assigns a load-balance weight to a backend server. Servers with higher values get more requests. Servers with lower values get fewer requests.

In some cases, some app-tier servers may be more powerful than others. load-balance-weight lets the load-balancer assign more connections to the more powerful machines.

Test and profiling servers can also use load-balance-weight to receive a small number of connections for profiling purposes.

Larger values tell the load-balancer to assign more requests to the app-tier server.

<resin xmlns="">
    <cluster id="app-tier">
        <server id="a" address="" port="6800"/>
        <server id="b" address="" port="6800"/>

        <server id="test" address="" port="6800">

        <host id="">


child of <server>
default 5s

<load-balance-connect-timeout> configures the maximum time a client connection to a cluster-port should take. The load balance and persistent sessions use load-balance-connect-timeout to connect to backend or peer servers in the cluster.

Lower values detect failed servers more quickly, but a too-low value can timeout too quickly for a live server with some network congestion.

<resin xmlns="">
    <cluster id="app-tier">

        <server id="a" address="" port="6800"/>
        <server id="b" address="" port="6800"/>

        <host id="">


child of <server>
default keepalive-timeout - 1s

<load-balance-idle-time> is the maximum time the load balancer and distributed sessions will leave an idle socket before closing it.

The default value is normally sufficient, since it tracks the keepalive of the cluster port.

load-balance-idle-time must be less than the keepalive value of the target cluster-port.

The load balancer and distributed sessions reuse sockets to the cluster peer and app-tier servers to improve TCP performance. The load-balance-idle-time limits the amount of time those sockets can remain idle.

Higher values may improve the socket pooling, but may also increase the chance of connecting to a closed server.


child of <server>
default keepalive-timeout - 1s

<load-balance-idle-time> is the maximum time the load balancer and distributed sessions will leave an idle socket before closing it.

The default value is normally sufficient, since it tracks the keepalive of the cluster port.

load-balance-idle-time must be less than the keepalive value of the target cluster-port.

The load balancer and distributed sessions reuse sockets to the cluster peer and app-tier servers to improve TCP performance. The load-balance-idle-time limits the amount of time those sockets can remain idle.

Higher values may improve the socket pooling, but may also increase the chance of connecting to a closed server.


child of <server>
default 60s

The time the load balancer uses to throttle connections to an app-tier server that's just starting up.

Java web-applications often start slowly while they initialize caches. So a newly-started application will often be slower and consume more resources than a long-running application. The warmup-time increases Resin's reliability by limiting the number of requests to a new app-tier server until the server has warmed up.

Larger values give the application a longer time to warm up.

<resin xmlns="">
    <cluster id="app-tier">

        <server id="a" address="" port="6800"/>
        <server id="b" address="" port="6800"/>

        <host id="">


child of <server>
default 15s

<load-balance-recover-time> is the maximum time the load balancer will consider the server dead after a failure before retrying the connection.

Resin uses the load-balance-recover-time to avoid wasting time trying to connect to an unavailable app-tier server.

Lower values let the load balancer use a restarted app-tier server faster, but lower values also increase the overhead of trying to contact unavailable servers.

<resin xmlns="">
    <cluster id="app-tier">

        <server id="a" address="" port="6800"/>
        <server id="b" address="" port="6800"/>

        <host id="">


child of <server>
default 6800

The server <port> defines the TCP port for Resin cluster communication and load balancing. Most server instances will use a common port like 6800, while machines with multiple servers may use multiple ports like 6800 and 6801.

multiple servers on a machine
<resin xmlns="">
  <cluster id="app-tier">
    <server id="app-a" address="" port="6800"/>
    <server id="app-b" address="" port="6801"/>

    <server id="app-b" address="" port="6800"/>
    <server id="app-c" address="" port="6801"/>



child of <server>

Defines default port parameters for all <http>, <protocol>, and <cluster-port>.


child of <cluster>

<server> configures a JVM instance in the cluster. Each <server> is uniquely identified by its id attribute. The id will match the -server command line argument.

The server listens to an internal network address, e.g. for clustering, load balancing, and administration.

The current server is managed with a ServerMXBean. The ObjectName is resin:type=Server.

Peer servers are managed with ServerConnectorMXBean. The ObjectName is resin:type=ServerConnector,name=server-id.

<server> Attributes
idunique server identifierrequired
addressIP address of the cluster port127.0.0.1
portThe cluster port6800
allow-non-reserved-ipallows non-private IP address be used for cluster portfalse
<resin xmlns="">
    <cluster id="web-tier">
        <server id="a" address="" port="6800">
          <http port="8080"/>

        <server id="b" address="" server-port="6800">
          <http port="8080"/>

        <server id="c" address="" server-port="6800">
          <http port="8080"/>

        <host id="">

Main configuration for the server, configuring ports, threads and virtual hosts.

  • Common resources for all virtual hosts and web-apps.
  • Thread pooling
  • HTTP and Server/Cluster ports
  • Caching
  • virtual host configuration and common web-app-default

The <server> will generally contain a <class-loader> configuration which loads the resin/lib jars dynamically, allowing for system-wide jars to be dropped into resin/lib. <server> configures the main dynamic environment. Database pools common to all virtual hosts, for example, should be configured in the <server> block.

The <server> configures the <thread-pool> and a set of <http> and <server> ports which share the thread pool. Requests received on those ports will use worker threads from the thread pool.

<server> Attributes
alternate-session-url-prefixa prefix to add the session to the beginning of the URL as a path prefix instead of the standard ;jsessionid= suffix. For clients like mobile devices with limited memory, this will allow careful web designers to minimize the page size.null
keepalive-maxthe maximum number of keepalive connections512
keepalive-timeoutthe maximum time a connection is maintained in the keepalive state15s

EL variables and functions

EL variables defined by <server>
EL functions defined by <server>


child of <cluster>

<server-default> defines default values for all <server> instances. Since most <server> configuration is identical for all server instances, the shared configuration belongs in a <server-default>. For example, <http> ports, timeouts, JVM arguments, and keepalives are typically identical for all server instances and therefore belong in a server-default.

<resin xmlns="">
    <cluster id="web-tier">

           <jvm-arg>-Xmx512m -Xss1m</jvm-arg>

           <http port="8080"/>

        <server id="a" address="" port="6800"/>
        <server id="b" address="" port="6800"/>
        <server id="c" address="" port="6800"/>

        <host id="">


<session-config> configures Resin's session handling, including the cookies Resin sends, the maximum sessions, and session persistence and clustering.

See also: Resin clustering for more information about distributed sessions and persistence.

<session-config> Attributes
always-load-sessionReload data from the store on every requestfalse
always-save-sessionSave session data to the store on every requestfalse
enable-cookiesEnable cookies for sessionstrue
enable-url-rewritingEnable URL rewriting for sessionstrue
cookie-versionVersion of the cookie spec for sessions1.0
cookie-domainDomain for session cookiesnone
cookie-domain-regexpRegex for cookies-domain for multi-domain webappsnone
cookie-max-ageMax age for persistent session cookiesnone
cookie-lengthMaximum length of the cookie
ignore-serialization-errorsWhen persisting a session, ignore any values which don't implement
invalidate-after-listenerIf true, invalidate the sessions after the session listeners have been called
reuse-session-idReuse the session id even if the session has timed out. A value of false defeats single signon capabilities. (resin 2.0.4)true
session-maxMaximum active sessions8192
session-timeoutThe session timeout in minutes, 0 means never timeout.30 minutes
serialization-typeUse one of "java" or "hessian" for serialization, hessian is significantly faster and smaller (resin 3.1.2)java
serialize-collection-typeFor hessian serialization, ignore the collection type when serializing lists (disable for some Hibernate lists)true
save-modeWhen to save sessions, one of "before-headers", "after-request", or "on-shutdown"after-request
use-persistent-storeUses the current persistent-store to save sessions. (resin 3.0.8)none
<session-config> schema
element session-config {
  & always-save-session?
  & cookie-append-server-index?
  & cookie-domain?
  & cookie-domain-regexp?
  & cookie-length?
  & cookie-max-age?
  & cookie-port?
  & cookie-secure?
  & cookie-version?
  & enable-cookies?
  & enable-url-rewriting?
  & ignore-serialization-errors?
  & invalidate-after-listener?
  & reuse-session-id?
  & save-mode?
  & save-on-shutdown?
  & serialization-type?
  & session-max?
  & session-timeout?
  & use-persistent-store?

The session-timeout and session-max are usually used together to control the number of sessions. Sessions are stored in an LRU cache. When the number of sessions in the cache fills up past session-max, the oldest sessions are recovered. In addition, sessions idle for longer than session-timeout are purged.

using session-config and session-timeout to control the number of sessions
<web-app id='/dir'>

     <!-- 2 hour timeout -->


cookie-length is used to limit the maximum length for the session's generated cookie for special situations like WAP devices. Reducing this value reduces the randomness in the cookie and increases the chance of session collisions.

reuse-session-id defaults to true so that Resin can share the session id amongst different web-apps.

The class that corresponds to <session-config> is com.caucho.server.session.SessionManager


child of <cluster>
default ;jsessionid=

Configures the URL prefix used for session rewriting.

Session rewriting is discouraged as a potential security issue.
<session-url-prefix> schema
element session-cookie {


default 60s

<socket-timeout> is the maximum time a socket load balancer and distributed sessions will wait for a read or write to a cluster socket.

Crashed servers may never respond to a read request or accept a write. The socket-timeout lets Resin recover from these kinds of crashes.

Lower values can detect crashes more quickly, but too-low values may report bogus failures when the server machine is just a little slow.

<resin xmlns="">
    <cluster id="app-tier">

        <server id="a" address="" port="6800"/>
        <server id="b" address="" port="6800"/>

        <host id="">


child of <host>,<web-app>

web-app configures a web application.

When specified by id, the application will be initialized on server start. When specified by <url-regexp>, the application will be initialized at the first request. This means that load-on-startup servlets may start later than expected for url-regexp applications.

<web-app> Attributes
active-wait-timehow long a thread should wait for the web-app to initialize before returning a 503-busy.15s
archive-pathSpecifies the location of the web-app's .war file.n/a
context-pathSpecifies the URL prefix for the web-app.the id value
idThe url prefix selecting this application.n/a
redeploy-mode'automatic' or 'manual', see <redeploy-mode>automatic
redeploy-check-intervalhow often to check the .war archive for redeployment60s
root-directoryThe root directory for the application, corresponding to a url of /id/. A relative path is relative to the <root-directory> of the containing <host>. Can use regexp replacement variables.A relative path constricted with the id or the regexp match
startup-mode'automatic', 'lazy', or 'manual', see <startup-mode>automatic
startup-priorityspecifies a priority for web-app startup to force an ordering between webapps -1
url-regexpA regexp to select this application.n/a

The following example creates a web-app for /apache using the Apache htdocs directory to serve pages.

<host id=''>
  <web-app id='/apache' root-directory='/usr/local/apache/htdocs'>



The following example sets the root web-app to the IIS root directory.

  <web-app id='/' root-directory='C:/inetpub/wwwroot'>

When the web-app is specified with a url-regexp, root-directory can use replacement variables ($2).

In the following, each user gets his or her own independent application using ~user.

<host id=''>

  <web-app url-regexp='/~([^/]*)'





child of <cluster>

<web-app-default> defines default values for any web-app in the cluster.

Example: web-app-default
<resin xmlns="">
    <cluster id="app-tier">

            <servlet servlet-name="resin-php"

            <servlet-mapping url-pattern="*.php"

        <host id="">

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