| | rest resin administration
Starting with version 4.0.26 Resin provides REST interface. Simple and
secure, it can be used for integration with services such as RightScale®
and others.
REST interface is provided for convenience of integration with
administration and monitoring tools that are capable of using
REST as integration protocol. Resin's set of REST actions covers
functionality available via CLI and adds an extra action that allows
retrieving Resin statistics data.
By default Resin REST is disabled. Default configuration also requires
secure protocol.
REST actions, available via the interface, are required to be invoked
with either GET or POST methods. Depending on the effect on the server
the proper HTTP method is required: actions change state of the Resin's
internal objects require POST method. Other actions must use GET.
By default the interface is disabled. Un-commenting line
rest_admin_enable : true
in resin properties enables the REST service.
By default, the connection is required to be made over a secure
protocol(HTTPS). Relaxing the secure constraint can be done with setting
totrue .
Example: enabling Resin Secure REST interface
# Enable Resin REST Admin
rest_admin_enable : true
# Require SSL for REST Admin
rest_admin_secure : true
Resin REST Servlet is registered in
file (see excerpt below for a reference).
Reference: registered REST Servlet
<resin:if test="${rest_admin_enable}">
<web-app id="/resin-rest"
<resin:BasicLogin realm-name="resin"/>
<resin:Allow url-pattern="/*">
<resin:IfUserInRole role="resin-admin"/>
<servlet-mapping url-pattern="/*"
The registration can be augmented further with
constraint to limit access to specific IPs only. Adding the constraint
must be considered when enabling access over HTTP.
Invoking REST action requires constructing an HTTP request with proper
url and body. REST action is encoded in the URL. Base of the URL is the
address of the Resin server itself combined with the context name of the
Resin REST web-app. The defaut URL is
http://localhost:8080/resin-rest . Concatenating the URL
with action name creates a complete Resin REST service URL. e.g.
Example: invoking Resin REST jmx-list action
~$curl --user admin:secret http://localhost:8080/resin-rest/jmx-list
interpreting Resin REST Service results
Resin REST replies with JSON Objects encoded as a String. Since
integration requires interchangeable data format JSON, with the
multitudes of available parsers in various languages, is a proper
choice. The output below has been post-formatted and shortened for easy
Example: invoking Resin REST jmx-list action
~$curl --user admin:secret \
config-cat | GET | prints configuration file deployed with
action or command
| config-deploy | POST | deploys configuration | config-ls | lists files deployed via
command or action
| config-undeploy | POST | Un-deploys configuration deployed with config-deploy action | deploy-copy | POST | copies an application from one context to another | deploy-list | GET | lists all applications deployed on a server | jmx-call | POST | calls MBean's method | jmx-dump | GET | dump all MBean attributes and values | jmx-list | GET | lists MBeans, attributes and operations | jmx-set | POST | sets value of a jmx attribute | license-add | POST | adds a license file | list-restarts | GET | lists Resin server restarts | log-level | POST | configures log level for one or more loggers | pdf-report | GET | produces and returns pdf-report | stats | GET | prints stats collected by Resin | thread-dump | GET | produces a thread dump | user-add | POST | adds an user with Resin administrator privileges | user-list | GET | lists users with Resin administrator privileges | user-remove | POST | removes user added with
command or action
| web-app-deploy | POST | deploys an application to Resin | web-app-restart | POST | restarts deployed application | web-app-start | POST | starts deployed application | web-app-stop | POST | stops deployed application | web-app-undeploy | POST | undeploys an application deployed with
Command config-deploy deploys a configuration archive from an input
stream to Resin cluster. Config-deploy action works with Resin's import
tag, which imports from a cloud:/resin-inf/+.xml with
default configuration (resin.xml)
&resin:import fileset="cloud:/resin-inf/+.xml" recover="true"/>
Action expects the configuration to be streamed in the POST request body.
curl -H "Content-Type: " --user admin:secret \
--data-binary @/tmp/my-conf.jar \
 A value other than "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" must be
specified as a value for Content-Type header. config-deploy optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | triad server to deploy to | | stage | stage of the server's deployment | production | version | version e.g.(1.0.0) | | message | commit message | |
Similar to a unix 'cat' command config-cat prints content of a
configuration file deployed to Resin using config-deploy action. config-cat optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | cluster server to query | Defaults to current server | name | full name of the configuration file inside the deployed
configuration archive
| required | stage | stage of the server's deployement | Defaults to 'production' |
Action config-ls lists files deployed with config-deploy action. config-ls optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | cluster server to query | Defaults to the current server | name | name of the file or directory | | stage | stage of the server's deployment | production | version | version e.g.(1.0.0) | |
Action config-undeploy un-deploys configuration deployed with
config-deploy action. config-undeploy optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | triad server to query | | stage | stage of the server's deployment | production | version | version e.g.(1.0.0) | | message | commit message | |
Action jmx-list lists MBeans with (optionally) attributes and values. jmx-list optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | cluster server to query | Defaults to the current server | pattern | pattern used to query the MBeanServer e.g. java.lang:* | resin:* | print-attributes | prints attributes | false | print-values | prints values (overrides print-attributes) | false | print-operations | prints operations | false | print-all-beans | matches all MBeans | false | print-platform-beans | matches only java.lang:* MBeans | false |
Action jmx-call invokes an action on an MBean. jmx-call optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | cluster server to query | Defaults to the current server | pattern | JMX ObjectName pattern used to uniquely identify an MBean | required | operation | name of operation (method) to invoke | required | operation-index | when multiple methods are named with the same name, help to choose
the method to invoke
| 0 | values | space separated list of arguments | required |
Action jmx-dump produces a complete dump of JMX tree with attributes and values. jmx-dump optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | cluster server to query | defaults to the current server |
Action jmx-set sets a value on an JMX JBean's attribute.  Attribute name must be Capitalized (e.g. Foo not foo) jmx-set optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | cluster server to query | defaults to the current server | pattern | JMX ObjectName pattern that uniquely identifies an MBean | required | attribute | name of the attribute | required | value | new value for the attribute | null |
Action license-add writes a license file into a remote Resin's license directory.  The license file should be passed in the request body. license-add optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | cluster server to query | Defaults to the current server | overwrite | overwrites the file specified in 'to' if the file exists | false | to | name of the file to write to | required | restart | optionally restarts server after license is deployed | false |
curl -H "Content-Type: " --user admin:secret \
--data-binary @/tmp/my-conf.jar \
 A value other than "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" must be
specified as a value for Content-Type header.
Action list-restarts prints restarts since a start of specified
server | cluster server to query | defaults to the current server | period | lookback (from now) period. e.g. '7D' | 7 days (specifed as 7D) |
list server restarts
curl --user admin:secret
Action log-level configures logging level for specified list of
server | cluster server to query | defaults to the current server | loggers | space separated list of loggers | root logger ('') and 'com.caucho' logger | level | new logging level(all, finest, finer, fine, config, info, warning,
severe, off )
| required | active-time | specifies period of time the new value will be active | until next restart |
Action pdf-report creates a PDF report and optionally returns the PDF
file with the Response.
server | cluster server to query | required | report | base name for the report | Snapshot | period | reporting period | 1 Day (1D) | log-directory | directory to write the report to on the server side | Resin's log directory | profile-time | turns execution profiler on for a specified time e.g. 20s (20
| | sample-period | specifies sampling rate e.g. 150ms | 100ms | snapshot | includes JMX, thread dump and memory analysis in the report | false | watchdog | specifies period as the starting of the server | false | load-pdf | Streams PDF Report file with the response | false |
creating and loading pdf report
curl --user admin:secret
'http://localhost:8080/resin-rest/pdf-report?snapshot=true&load-pdf=true' > my-report.pdf
Action stats returns statistics that can be used for building graphs.
The JSON formatting is compatible with jquery-flot graph solution() stats optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | server to query | required | meters | comma separated list of meters e.g.(JVM|Memory|Heap Memory Used, ) | | period | time span from now e.g. 2D (2 days) | 7D |
querying Memory statistics
curl --user admin:secret \
"label":"00|JVM|Memory|Heap Memory Used",
"data": [
 A complete list of Meters can be looked up in Resin-Admin's graphs
Action thread-dump produces and returns thread dump. thread-dump optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | cluster server to query | defaults to the current server |
Action user-add adds administrative user. user-add optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | triad server to query | | user | specifies user name | required | password | specifies password | required |
Action user-list lists administrative user. user-list optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | triad server to query | |
Action user-remove removes administrative user added with user-add
server | triad server to query | | user | specifies user name | required |
Action web-app-deploy deploys a web application. web-app-deploy optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | | triad server to deploy to | context | web application context | required | host | host to deploy to | 'default' | stage | state to deploy to | production | version | version e.g. 1.0.0 | | message | commit message | |
deploying an application via REST
curl -H "Content-Type: " \
--data-binary @/tmp/my-app.war \
--user admin:secret \
Action deploy-copy is used to copy an application from one context to
another. Application copied from source context to a target context. The
target context is started upon completion of the operation. deploy-copy optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | triad server | defaults to the current server | source-context | context to copy an application from e.g. /foo | required | source-host | host to copy an application from | | source-stage | stage of the source deployment | production | source-version | version of the source deployment | HEAD | target-context | context to copy an application to e.g. /bar | required | target-host | host to copy an application to | | target-stage | stage of the target deployment | | target-version | version of the target deployment | | message | commit message | |
Action deploy-list lists deployed applications. deploy-list optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | cluster server to query | defaults to the current server |
Action web-app-restart restarts an application. web-app-restart optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | cluster server to query | defaults to the current server | tag | tag to restart e.g. (production/webapp/default/foo) | required | context | context to restart | required | stage | deployment stage of the context | production | host | deployment host | 'default' | version | deployment version | |
Action web-app-start starts web application. web-app-start optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | cluster server to query | defaults to the current server | tag | tag to start e.g.(production/webapp/default/foo) | required | context | context to start | required | stage | deployment stage of the context | required |
Action web-app-stop stops web application. web-app-stop optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | cluster server to query | defaults to the current server | tag | tag to start e.g.(production/webapp/default/foo) | required | context | context to stop | required | stage | deployment stage of the context | required |
Action web-app-undeploy un-deploys deployed web application. web-app-undeploy optionsPARAMETER | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT/REQUIRED |
server | triad server to query | | context | context to undeploy | required | host | context deployment host | 'default' | stage | context deployment stage | production | version | version | | message | commit message | |
Copyright © 1998-2015 Caucho Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Resin ® is a registered trademark. Quercustm, and Hessiantm are trademarks of Caucho Technology. |